I am a passionate opera singer and, with just as much enthusiasm, a certified mental
coach for musicians and creative artists. I was a lecturer for mental training and audition training at the HMDK Stuttgart and am a coach in the mArts program at HMT Leipzig, am a honorary
lecturer at Selbstaendigkeit.de and member of the MusicianHealth.Net
I grew up in the circus,
where I loved feeding the elephants and later throwing my mom on the vertical rope.
But the love for music, which came to me naturally, was greater and so I am now
discovering the world through music as a freelance singer with over 60 sung roles in my repertoire.
I am a cosmopolitan, traveled
through central Asia when I was just one year old and started school in Tokyo. My home is the stage.
As a mental coach, I can work from anywhere with musicians and creative artists who want to develop further, advance their careers, but also consciously
change the beliefs that are holding them back. You are looking for support to successfully distinguish yourself as an artist in the market and to move in it authentically and
self-confidently. Thoughttransformation is my specialty.